Nutcracker Audition Information for Levels 4 and 5
This year we will be calling some Level 4 and Level 5 dancers to audition for featured roles based on level, ability, experience, and prior roles. Please check the web calendar to find out which auditions you have been called to. If you are called to an audition, you are expected to attend. It is not optional. Important note: You do not need to prepare anything in advanced of the auditions this year. We will be teaching excerpts of the roles the audition, so you may find it helpful to familiarize yourself with the choreography in advance, from past year DVDs, if you feel it would help you be more comfortable or perform better. However, it is not necessary to do so.
Also, please note that you may not be called to an audition if you have done the part before and we don't need to see you audition. For example, if you have already been the Spanish Soloist, we will likely not call you to that audition because we are already familiar with your capability in that role and do not need to have you audition. Even though you are not called to the audition, you will potentially be cast in the role again if we feel it would be a good fit for you again this year.
Auditions will be scheduled from 3:15-4:45pm on Wednesday, September 8 and Thursday, September 9, and from 1:00-5:00pm on Saturday, September 11. Level 4 dancers will only have auditions on Saturday. Some Level 5 dancers may also be called to auditions on Wednesday or Thursday.