Project Ballet prioritizes dancer health and wellness. Since 2012 we have provided our students with a comprehensive on-site wellness program that supports both their physical and mental health. In 2020 we added the position of Wellness Coordinator to further expand and facilitate these programs.
Our upper level students check-in weekly with our Wellness Coordinator for individual support and guidance. The Wellness Coordinator also maintains regular on-site office hours for further accessibility. We also offer mental health workshops a few times each semester, specifically tailored the unique pressures and stresses of the pre-professional ballet world.
Miss Lauren Dini (
Each week on Sunday (or Monday morning before noon), all students in Level 4, Level 5 and Advanced need to complete a weekly check-in. The check-in can be found linked via the web calendar. The check-in is online and should only take 2-5 minutes to complete. Students will use the check-in to report any injuries, mental health concerns, social/friendship challenges, etc.
Miss Lauren maintains office hours from 12:15-1:00pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Students should feel comfortable using these times to stop in to discuss injuries or mental health concerns. Miss Lauren can also schedule zoom meetings or in-person conferences outside of her office hours, if necessary.
This year we will be offering one mental health and one physical health workshop each semester. These workshops will be held on Friday mornings before ballet classes start. ​The workshops will be open to all dancers in Levels 4 and up and can be attended in-person at Project Ballet, or via Zoom if necessary.
Miss Lauren can provide a number of resources including connections to a vast network of excellent mental and physical health providers including physicians, physical therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, counselors, therapists, nutritionists and more. Please reach out to Miss Lauren if you are in need of professional resources.
Miss Lauren maintains a record of student observation forms and contacts parents, when necessary to keep the lines of communication open regarding injury or other reason for observation. Below is a look at our observation form, which a student should request from the front desk any and every time they need to observe. Note: Students who are ill should go home and should not observe.
When injured Miss Lauren will work with you to create a timeline and plan for recovery. Obviously we defer to the advice/recommendation of your physician or other clinical professional. However, she will work to further customize your recovery to include specific restrictions, modifications, and goals to support and facilitate recovery. Miss Lauren will also serve as a liaison to keep the rest of the faculty & staff in-the-know about your injury.